Ethiopia To Carry Out It's 3rd National Communication To Be Submitted To The UNFCCC.
Based on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dated back to 1992, member countries are committed to report their greenhouse gas emission reductions to the UNFCCC every four years.
Accordingly, Ethiopia has reported it's initial and 2nd national communication in 2001and 2015, respectively. It is now embarked up on conducting a study to make it's 3rd National Communication report submitted at the end of 2022.
Addis Ababa University, Center for Environmental Science is recruited to carry out the study. In the inception report validation event that took place at the EPA meeting hall, the University has presented the scope, method and areas to be covered by the study.
H.E. Dr. Getahun Garedew, Director General to Ethiopian EPA has officially launched the starting of the task at the event with a request to the consultant firm to deliver the report as per the set period and quality.